> 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM源码程序 > 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM\stprtool\generalp\Contents.m

    % General purpose and others functions for STPRToolbox.
%   cerror      - Calculates classifier error.
%   cliplin1    - Clips line according to given window.
%   cliplin2    - Clips line starting in the coordinates origin.
%   clrchild    - Clears children of an object with the given handle.
%   cmpwin      - Computes feasible proportions of axes.
%   color       - Return color according to the given index.
%   ellips      - Computes ellipse contour.
%   erfc2       - Calculates integral ... exp(-(t-m)^2/(2*d^2) dt
%   fig2eps     - Save graphs to EPS file chosen in save file dialog.
%   getaxis     - Returns a row vector containing the scaling for the plot.
%   itosgn      - Map (1,2) onto (1,-1).
%   kernel      - Non-linear kernels (for kernelpca, svm, etc. ).
%   knnclass    - K-Nearest Neighbours classification rule.
%   mahalan     - Computes Mahalanobis distance.
%   marker      - Returns point marker according to the given index.
%   multi2dicho - Decomposes multi-class problen onto dichotomies.
%   normald     - Computes value of the normal distributed p.d. function.
%   pline       - Plots the line alpha'*x=theta.
%   pnmix       - Plots normal distributions and points in 2D.
%   pnormal     - Plots normal distributions in 2D.
%   ppoints     - Plots point sets.
%   randpds     - Randomly generate positive definite matrix.
%   setaxis     - Sets scaling for the x- and y-axes in a plot.
%   sgntoi      - Maps (1,-1) onto (1,2).

% Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox, Vojtech Franc, Vaclav Hlavac
% (c) Czech Technical University Prague,
% Written Vojtech Franc (diploma thesis) 02.11.1999
% Modifications
% 18-apr-2001, V. Franc, multi2dicho added.
% 23-mar-2001, V. Franc, reorganized
% 24. 6.00 V. Hlavac, updated according reality in the directory.
% 26. 6.00 V. Franc, function karhunen.m added